For many, Easter includes the celebration of spring (and chocolate) which means we must keep our friends and family with allergies in mind. Here are some tips to keep everyone safe and healthy while we celebrate together.
1. Understand their allergies. Knowing which allergy – including the specific food or environmental trigger your classmate, relative, loved-one, neighbor, etc. has, will allow you to gift safely and will mean so much to that person. For example: Allergic to peanuts/tree nuts: one should avoid most chocolate candies as cross-contamination is common.
2. Enjoy a holiday activity. Consider gifting non-food items such as an outing to the movie theater/museum/amusement park/concert, a new book to read or game to play, building or painting a new bird house for the yard. There are so many fun possibilities to get everyone together while avoiding those tricky allergies.
1. Buy flowers that can trigger symptoms. Several flowers contain pollen that will contribute to nose, eye and skin irritation. Many, including lilies and tulips, are also toxic to pets. So beware!
2. Bring strong odors, smoke, or extra furry animals into the house including candles, perfumes, and wood burning fires as these can all cause respiratory irritation leading to increased cough and wheezing. Baby animals are adorable, but the animals and their bedding can cause hives, nasal congestion, eye swelling/tearing among other symptoms.
At Colorado Allergy and Asthma our providers are specialty trained to help identify and treat environmental and food allergies among many other things. Don’t spend another holiday or spring season suffering with sneezing, coughing, or itching – we would love to help find your specific triggers and tailor a treatment plan that best fits your needs and lifestyle, schedule an appointment today!

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